What I Learned From Reading 10K Software Engineering Articles

<p>Letters, or strings, as we, software engineers, like to call them. Letters form words &mdash; or soup, if you like ABC pasta &mdash; words form sentences and finally, string enough of them together, and you got yourself a story or an article, right? Right?!? You can probably guess the answer is no, not by a long-shot. After all, nothing is as simple as it seems. Not even labelling boxes of frozen prawns (<em>I hate prawns with a passion</em>), and yet writing is a million times more complex than that. That&rsquo;s not to say that it can&rsquo;t be done right, even if you are a software engineer or technical person and perhaps less inclined to have a writing style.</p> <p>And that&rsquo;s what I&rsquo;d like to unpack,&nbsp;<strong>the endless mistakes, coders, developers and tech people make every time they hit the publish button</strong>. Many of us, otherwise passionate, professional, skilled individuals want to share our wisdom and interests with the rest of the world, and blogging has been one of the oldest methods in the last two or so decades to achieve that, but I have to say that after reading over 10,000 software engineering and technology articles over the last decade on Medium, Dev.to and occasionally&nbsp;<a href="https://blog.logrocket.com/author/attilavago/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">LogRocket</a>,&nbsp;<strong>the quality has not gone up one bit. If anything, quite the opposite, and it&rsquo;s getting hilariously bad.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@attilavago/what-i-learned-after-reading-10k-software-engineering-articles-beb7cce2a5bd"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Learned