When 97% of your Machine Learning Engineer Interviews are with Men

<p>In November and December of 2021, I interviewed for machine learning engineering roles at 9 companies. I interviewed for a variety of companies: software companies, AI startups, R&amp;D groups within larger organizations, and data science consulting groups.</p> <p>During the interviews, my interviewers took extensive notes about me and my capabilities. But as a data scientist and machine learning engineer, I couldn&rsquo;t help but reciprocate this data collection process. Therefore, I also collected metadata about my interviews and interviewers in order to conduct an analysis about my overall interview experience.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@yennie.jun/when-97-of-your-machine-learning-engineer-interviews-are-with-men-202b09811086"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>