March 18 to March 24, 2024: Tarot and Energy Forecast

<p>Welcome to a new week (and season) everyone! We will be entering Spring and Aries season this week, opening up a portal towards new beginnings for us all! This Pisces season while we were closing chapters on certain circumstances, you may have also caught glimpses into the energy that is building up for you for the second quarter of the year.&nbsp;<strong><em>This week we will see a preview of what this new season (and quarter) has in-store for us.</em></strong></p> <p>Energetically speaking, this is a highly charged time. It&rsquo;s potent for spiritual communication, intuitive downloads, and flashes of insight. God (spirit, source, universe, etc.) is pointing us in the right direction &mdash; leading us towards the promised land. This week be sure to pay extra close attention to the messages received, including in dreams.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>