Top 10 temples to explore the Energetic side of yourself
<p>The human body has trillions of cells, each vibrating with Energy. Beyond the physical, beyond the mental, we have an energetic side to ourselves. Certain locations and certain situations are designed precisely to explore our energetic bodies. The best places and rituals in fact to activate our Energy bodies are at temples in India. There are other locations such as the Pyramids of Giza which also energise us, but in curating this list, I wanted to make sure these locations are still easily accessible to the majority.</p>
<p>If you study the temples in India, the planning and the care they took to make such architectural marvels happen — you wonder at times, how in the world these ancient generations had such capabilities to undertake such humungous tasks. The temples in India were built for humans to explore not just their physical, but also mental and energetic sides.</p>
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