Uselessness of Anti Racism

<p>Please think how endlessly ineffective in helping real victims of unjust discrimination and those who endure bigots in their midst it is to spend a lifetime battleing the idiotic beliefs of morons, of being on watch 24/7 to scoop up their drivel and put it on display as if to justify a crusade against them - the crusade of which only emboldens them. Do you celebrate the victimhood of people who were oppresssed? Or cebrate the achievers who overcome obstacles?<br /> Do you support harsh laws that ban discrimination based on ethnicity and gender AS I DO and ignore and dismiss the idiocy of bigots as easily as you wash your hands after visiting the rest room? Or do proclaim from morn to morn you are &quot;anti&quot; an evil despicable and wholly untrue concept known as racism and spin useless concepts in your mind about &quot;white people&quot; and &quot;black people&quot; with the wisps of nothing like the spinners used to sew &quot; The emperors new clothes&quot;?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>