Street encounters in Lisbon

<p>This is my new buddy. He is from Brazil. I think we chatted for around 20 minutes or something like that. He was telling me about the November 20 celebration in Brazil which is black awareness day: &ldquo;The focus during these events is to dissolve the perception of Africans&rsquo; inferiority in society.&rdquo; He said it is to celebrate (I had to google this because could not remember the person&rsquo;s name) a guy named Zumbi dos Palmeres, an exceptionally famous individual in Afro-Brazilian culture from the 1700s. He was the leader and a warrior of a fugitive band of free Africans in a part of Brazil. He killed a lot of people, harassed plantation owners, raided plantations to free slaves, and would have his members sneak into plantations and persuade slaves to run away or rise up and kill/ revolt against their masters. How very interesting. He was eventually betrayed by a mulato and was beheaded on November 20th. His head was displayed in the capital.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>