I Proudly Wear the Hijab, It’s a Sign of Strength and Empowerment

<p>I was visiting London and was sitting on the tube when I noticed it. I&rsquo;d seen that look before when visiting the West. It wasn&rsquo;t a look of curiosity but a look of hate. I tried to look away, but I was drawn to the man drinking a beer on the train.</p> <p><em>&ldquo;What the f**k are you looking at, raghead?&rdquo;</em></p> <p>Growing up, I didn&rsquo;t always wear the scarf. I wore it when it was time for prayers and special occasions and when it suited me to have my ears closed. I still only sometimes wear one. The decision to look more &ldquo;obvious&rdquo; with my beliefs isn&rsquo;t one I worry about in my home country.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-narrative-arc/i-proudly-wear-the-hijab-its-a-sign-of-strength-and-empowerment-e093dbd877ed"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>