Spending Dr. King’s Birthday with the Emperor Card

<p>image: Emperor (IV),&nbsp;<em>The Light Seers Tarot</em>&nbsp;by Chris-Anne (photo by Cassandra Rue)</p> <p>Greetings from snowy, frozen northern Colorado, where it has been&nbsp;<a href="https://kdvr.com/news/local/it-was-colder-in-denver-than-antarctica-on-monday/" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">colder than Antarctica</a>! For those in the US, I hope celebrations of MLK Day in your communities have been as beautiful and galvanizing as the event I attended yesterday.</p> <p>The astrological forecast this week is mostly pleasant, with some very cute sextiles and trines, and then, by the end of the week it becomes quite serious. There&rsquo;s a major event on Saturday: Pluto, the planet of power, returns to heady Aquarius for the last time before entering practical Capricorn again later this year and staying there for two decades. The night before, there&rsquo;s a Pluto cazimi (conjunction with the sun) while it is still in Capricorn.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@criticalcassandra/spending-dr-kings-birthday-with-the-emperor-card-836f1e53b0d5"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Emperor Card