Someone Else’s Dreams

<p><em>The ache didn&rsquo;t stop. It was oozing from somewhere in his spine, flowing down his legs all the way to his toes and creeping up his neck to burst inside his skull. He tried to scream but no sound came out. He opened his mouth wider, but it was only a hiss. He tried to calm down but fiery stakes stabbed his legs in a dozen places. Between his cries he screamed again. This time he managed to get a voice out. It was small and pathetic, but enough to wake him up.</em></p> <p><em>Where was he? He opened his eyes and, to his amazement, saw the river. He was somewhere in the city, there were buildings all around him, but he could recognize none of them. It was quiet, and there was nobody around. The sun was not yet high enough to reach him from behind the rooftops of the buildings, and the air felt fresh.</em></p> <p><em>After a while he was able to prop himself up and sit up straight. The headache that just a few minutes ago had felt about to murder him was now dissipating, leaving behind it a rusty taste in his mouth. The taste reminded him about a burning sensation, something that had been even stronger than the pain in his muscles a moment ago. It had been an all-consuming dark tunnel. He couldn&rsquo;t bring back the memory of where he&rsquo;d been or what he&rsquo;d done but he could still feel the excruciating pain going up and down his spine.&nbsp;</em><strong><em>And the thirst. For blood.&nbsp;</em></strong><em>The memory made him gag.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>