Chem Basics: Electronic Structure

<p>As a kid, I would get bored easily. Particularly regarding schoolwork, I would brush over the &ldquo;simple&rdquo; stuff very quickly, in order to get to the more exciting stuff. I&rsquo;d be happy to learn about equilibriums and rate-determining steps, but when it came to the groundwork, such as atoms and bonding, I would do just enough to get the basic idea. I didn&rsquo;t want to spend a lot of time on topics that didnt excite me, and I paid for this later on. Having a solid foundation in Chemistry is absolutely vital, since almost everything comes down to how atoms and molecules are interacting with eachother. So we need to have a good understanding of those atoms and molecules!</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve decided to start a series focusing on the interesting parts of the Chemistry fundamentals. This series might be useful to those of you just starting to learn chemistry, and also to those of you who just need a bit of a refresher on things you have known for years or decades! This article will be the first installment of this series:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>