<p>Who gets the most attention? I leave it to someone else to study this but I will guess, guess only, that the federal offices get sixty percent of our attention, the state offices get thirty percent, the local offices get ten percent.</p> <p>The problem here is that&nbsp;<strong>EDUCATION</strong>&nbsp;is a local issue. All power over your local public schools is from your local school board. The State gives funding. The State can pass laws. I was in the state of Washington. The local High School principal candidly told me there was only one course they had to require of a high school graduate, that was Washington State history. Every other course they could waver. The reader should give careful thought to this. I can&rsquo;t speak for other states but be sure you understand this idea of &ldquo;waiver&rdquo; before you go much further in school politics.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Elected Office