10 Reasons It Matters Who’s Elected!

<p>Despite the obvious evidence and indications, of significant ramifications based on who we elect to office, it seems the level of apathy and defeatism of the American public is more severe than ever-before in recent memory! Because of the absolute support Trump seems to receive from his core supporters, and the concerning, low turnout in recent elections from registered Democrats, despite the public opinion surveys, polls, indicating the vast majority of US voters oppose so many of the pronounced, MAGA preferences, we are witnessing evidence of the power of negative, revisionist, primarily-false pronouncements, in terms of electing individuals, who don&rsquo;t support what it seems most of us desire, and thus, why it matters who&rsquo;s elected, and therefore, that voting matters, and elections truly count significantly. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss 10 of the reasons we should be concerned, and why, rather than, merely, complaining, we need a far-greater voter turnout, in upcoming US elections.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@richard.brody/10-reasons-it-matters-whos-elected-0f2e048db5fb"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>