The Concept of Everywhen and The Einstein’s Serious Worry

<p>Aboriginal people of Australia inhabited the continent for, at least, the past 40, 000 years. Mungo Man and the Lady, the oldest human remains from the Willandra Lakes Region in Australia, bear witness to this. Thus, the Aboriginal people had a continuous presence that spanned 40,000 years or more before the colonisation of the continent. Even though they didn&rsquo;t invent agriculture or the wheel, their culture has been unique.</p> <p>As W.E.H. Stanner, an Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, pointed out in his essay &ldquo;The Aborigines&rdquo;, published in 1938, an essay that made a profound impact on me, without pottery, knowledge of metals, wheel animal domestication or agriculture, they peopled an entire continent and established a network of trade routes crisscrossing the continent to exchange their excess non-utilitarian articles. Production of excess articles required time outside of their daily chores and communal activities.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>