Einstein, Jacob, and M
<p>Einstein doesn’t sit down. He doesn’t really even know how. He remains motionless on the kitchen wall and keeps his eyes on me, not exactly wary, but ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.</p>
<p>I’m lucky that he has decided to join this interview. After signing the authorisation to record, we begin our conversation.</p>
<p><strong>Me:</strong> So the question that I’ve been wanting to start off with— we saw a smaller version of you on our bedroom ceiling during the Winter months. Was that you? M doesn’t think so, but I have my suspicions.</p>
<p><strong>Einstein</strong>: I prefer to keep that answer shrouded in mystery if you don’t mind. Some things are better left unanswered.</p>
<p><a href="https://jeffreyschwab-30696.medium.com/einstein-jacob-and-m-6f07aec5f1ae"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>