How to effectively manage your time : With the help of Eisenhower Matrix

<p>It is important to manage the time effectively in order to get the work done. In the hustle of the life we are travelling on the roller coaster swing&nbsp;, sometime we land up into the situation where we are running out of time and the result we end up messing everything.</p> <p>This leads to frustrations and hesitation and we land up into the state of the mind where we are depressed and over burdened with the work.</p> <p>There is some ways in which you can help yourself by managing the time effectively one of the way is by following the Eisenhower matrix.</p> <p>The Esenhower matrix is the time management tool which helping managing the time by doing the work on urgent and important basis. This Matrix is simple to follow because there are basically some task which are urgent, the task which are important, some task are neither urgent nor important. When you are able to differentiate between them the work becomes easy.</p> <p>Urgent task&nbsp;: these task are considered to be most important and must be done now. It gathers all the focuses on one directions because of urgency of the tasks to be done as soon as possible. Sometime it is possible that there are higher cost that we have to bear if task is not performed on time.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>