Building an EEG Circuit to Read Brain Activity

<p>Why would someone want to build a circuit to read brain activity&hellip; aren&rsquo;t there better ways to spend your time? When an EEG circuit is finished, it doesn&rsquo;t&nbsp;<em>just</em>&nbsp;mean that you built an EEG circuit. But opened yourself to<em>&nbsp;vast amounts</em>&nbsp;of opportunities with the circuit.</p> <p>Brain-computer interfaces are an area of&nbsp;<strong><em>exponential</em></strong>&nbsp;growth! There are so many things that you could create with a &ldquo;simple&rdquo; EEG circuit. Did you know that you could<strong>&nbsp;type sentences&nbsp;</strong>with just your mind? Or control a&nbsp;<strong>prosthetic arm</strong>&hellip; or even&nbsp;<strong>control a laptop from your&nbsp;<em>dream</em></strong>&nbsp;(probably not with this circuit, however). Now I&rsquo;m getting ahead of myself.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: EEG Circuit