High Her Education

<p>&mdash; &ldquo;<em>In 1870 only 0.7% of the female population went to college, about 70% to coeducational schools. This percentage rose slowly, by 1900 the rate was 2.8% and it was only 7.6% by 1920</em>.<br /> <em>In 1970, women earned only 13.3% of doctoral degrees. In 1972, women earned just 7% of all law degrees and 9% of all medical degrees</em>&rdquo; (Elizabeth Griffiths, 2013).</p> <p>Today, women earn 57.3% of bachelor&rsquo;s degrees, 60.1% of master&rsquo;s degrees, &amp; 53.5% of doctoral degrees, and have earned the majority of college degrees for over 20 years (Bryant, 2021; NCES, 2019; NCES, 2021; NSCRC, 2021; Parker et al., 2022).</p> <p><a href="https://drjarryd.medium.com/high-her-education-fe0f311ba37a"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Educations