Education, Capitalism, and Superspecies

<p>If education hasn&rsquo;t solved today&rsquo;s problems, will it solve tomorrow&rsquo;s?</p> <p>I recently watched a video from author Hank Green discussing gene editing. He questioned how far gene editing should go. There is the argument for editing genes to prevent diseases. But what about hair color? Or Height? Or the especially tricky trait of intelligence? Intelligence is made up of many factors, including some specific genes, assuming we define intelligence in a way relevant to those genes. Green stated,</p> <blockquote> <p>We don&rsquo;t know right now what traits are going to be useful to the people of the future because their world is going to be different than ours.&hellip; Intelligence really is more about what we need right now from people than it is about any particular innate thing.</p> </blockquote> <p>He gave the example of how his ADHD may have been more of a hindrance in the past, but given current tools and support, has at times been an asset.</p> <p>Green concluded by saying,</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>