Edge of Rotation

<p>Such<br /> a classic<br /> spin<br /> that old<br /> blue Oldsmobile<br /> rounding the curve<br /> rotating back<br /> down the same road<br /> again and before<br /> beaming with<br /> invisible<br /> familiarity<br /> leaving<br /> oil stains<br /> down<br /> boulevards<br /> sewn with<br /> uneven<br /> seams</p> <p>Five days<br /> a week<br /> over and over<br /> I watched him<br /> go to work<br /> and return<br /> the same<br /> blinding spin<br /> I was a kid<br /> but I had<br /> so many<br /> questions<br /> maybe<br /> too much<br /> for our frozen<br /> civilized<br /> echoed<br /> tones</p> <p>Next thing<br /> the old<br /> picture frames<br /> started rusting<br /> from years<br /> of being buried<br /> in shame<br /> and in the<br /> morning light<br /> I saw his<br /> faded image<br /> bleeding colors<br /> finally blurring<br /> years of<br /> well polished<br /> eyes</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/channspirations/edge-of-rotation-748b8af9cd16"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
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