Winters in Ecuador

<p>Brandon Winters slipped out of his plane seat, his anticipation building since the second the wheels touched tarmac in Ecuador. The air outside the plane was far different from the Minnesotan January he left behind. It was humid, tropical.</p> <p>The advisors corralled Winters and 40 of his fellow students onto the bus out of Quito. Winters peered out the window at the brightly colored houses surrounded by huge concrete walls with broken glass bottles stuck atop acting as barbed wire. Some houses the bottles matched the color of the house to add to the homes aesthetic, others were haphazardly placed and the tops broken off with a baseball bat as soon as the concrete dried them into place, so the jagged edges of the glass could slice anything trying to climb over the wall.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>