A City Finding Itself: How Berlin’s Startup Ecosystem Evolved

<p>After World War II (1945) the city was mostly destroyed. Situated at the center of such a dark recent history, the city needed to rebuild itself and was in an awkwardly divided position: West and East Berlin. The West side was controlled by the American, British and French, while the East side was controlled by the Soviet Union. The division was so strong that there was even a physical manifestation of it, the Berlin Wall, which was built in 1961 and only fell in 1989. The city became the capital of the German nation in 1991 and then started its reconstruction process.</p> <p>Two main factors determined the type of people that lived or moved to the city and would later become critical for the development of the startup ecosystem:</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/included-vc/a-city-finding-itself-how-berlins-startup-ecosystem-evolved-5de693cac7b"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>