An Ecologist Explains How Biodiversity Loss Is Hurting Your Health — And What You Can Do About It

<p>You are a person. You are also an ecosystem. Your skin, gut, orifices, and organs are collectively home to trillions of microorganisms.</p> <p>These microorganisms are not freeloaders. They contribute to your health in crucial ways, many of which science is only beginning to understand.</p> <p>For example, we now know that the metabolites and other byproducts made by the microbes in your gut strongly influence the activity of your immune system. If some of these essential gut bacteria are missing or their populations are depleted &mdash; a condition GI experts refer to as dysbiosis &mdash; your immune system can misfire (or backfire) in devastating ways.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>