EcoCash Slow and Unattractive by Design

<p>The greatest sign of a failed attempt to implement an overly dramatic business idea was a simple fact. Under whose authority was EcoCash copied or fabricated into the Zimbabwean monetary system? Why would a solution for the poor and underprivileged be accepted as a measure by everyone. All classes have rights as well and it candidly infringed upon other people&rsquo;s rights causing the poor to be labelled as undiscerning. How slow the system is can actually be measured and that is how far unnecessary the development of &lsquo;economical means of payment&rsquo; is. Sorry I had to say those words which is the furthest from Vodafone&rsquo;s platform principle any business group has attempted to implement. It is reminiscent of a point on arbitrary academic theories such as weighting the value of cash to store on behalf of another individual. The concept does not exist nor does the idea implied by the name EcoCash because anyone who tries to tell you that money van be made cheaper for nothing is lying.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: EcoCash Slow