Eat Up

<p>The DC appeals court has finally made its ruling on whether or not Trump is immune from prosecution for inciting an insurrection. HE IS NOT. Now it&rsquo;s on to the Supreme Court. They could agree not to hear it which means today&rsquo;s ruling stands and it&rsquo;s on to trial. Or it could rule in Trump&rsquo;s favor making the office of the presidency a safe place for dictators, sadists, and criminals.</p> <p>Mark your calendars for the live streaming audio of the historical hearing of Colorado making its case before the Supreme Court this Thursday at 10 a.m. EST. This has never happened before so check it out. Check it out for the entertainment value, too. Trump&rsquo;s lawyer is going to argue that Section 3 of the 14th Amendement doesn&rsquo;t say he can&rsquo;t run for president if he was part of an insurrection, only that he can&rsquo;t serve if he wins.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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