Don’t tell Chinese people you like to eat tofu (here’s why)

<p><strong>If you break it down, that&rsquo;s what the word &ldquo;tofu&rdquo; (豆腐 | d&ograve;ufu) refers to &mdash; rotten beans.</strong></p> <p>Well, okay, maybe not really.</p> <p>豆 (d&ograve;u) means bean, and 腐 (fu) means rotten, decomposed, decaying, spoiled.</p> <p><strong>But why do rotten beans make tofu in Chinese?</strong></p> <p>Some say because spoiled soy milk has the appearance of tofu.</p> <p>Some also say because certain kinds of tofu (like the famous Taiwanese &ldquo;stinky tofu&rdquo;) is made from the process of fermentation which is, a sort of controlled rotting&hellip;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Eat tofu