The Sound of the Earth Crying

<p>I joined, somewhat by chance, the (abridged)&nbsp;<em>Seeds of Radical Renewal</em>&nbsp;course being offered by Emergence Magazine, which begins this week. Participants are asked to respond to weekly prompts and share with the rest of the attendees, if they so desire. I decided I would also share them here (part of the first prompt is below). But I wanted to try something a little out of the ordinary for me and record my response instead of writing it.</p> <p>My response is in large part from my&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener"><em>Disability in the Wild</em></a>&nbsp;post, so if you&rsquo;ve read that then most of what I said will be familiar. A transcript of the audio below. The prompt in part:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Earth Crying