Attachment Style in Early Development

<p>There are many key aspects of research in attachment that are important to consider in foster care placements or systems. The four main aspects of research to consider are, synchrony, nurturance, stability of care, and commitment (Dozier et al., 2013). These aspects are important to research because they are vital to establishing and defining the quality of care for each child (Dozier et al., 2013).</p> <p>Some situations in early life-span development that influence attachment style include but are not limited to, experienced trauma, maltreatment, and abuse (<em>Attachment and Child Development | NSPCC Learning</em>, n.d.). Whereas these are not everyday situations for most children, they are still vital to the influence of attachment style. In a healthy home, everyday experiences are, how a child is treated, positive treatment, and positive reenforcement. Attachment is a bidirectional process because it involves both parties, the child and the adult or caregiver of the child. The adult attaches to the child, and the child attaches to the adult. This two-party involvement creates a bidirectional process of attachment.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Development