Dynamic Pricing with Multi-Armed Bandit: Learning by Doing

<p>In the vast world of decision-making problems, one dilemma is particularly owned by Reinforcement Learning strategies: exploration versus exploitation. Imagine walking into a casino with rows of slot machines (also known as &ldquo;one-armed bandits&rdquo;) where each machine pays out a different, unknown reward. Do you explore and play each machine to discover which one has the highest payout, or do you stick to one machine, hoping it&rsquo;s the jackpot? This metaphorical scenario underpins the concept of the Multi-armed Bandit (MAB) problem. The objective is to find a strategy that maximizes the rewards over a series of plays. While exploration offers new insights, exploitation leverages the information you already possess.</p> <p>Now, transpose this principle to dynamic pricing in a retail scenario. Suppose you are an e-commerce store owner with a new product. You aren&rsquo;t certain about its optimal selling price. How do you set a price that maximizes your revenue? Should you explore different prices to understand customer willingness to pay, or should you exploit a price that has been performing well historically? Dynamic pricing is essentially a MAB problem in disguise. At each time step, every candidate price point can be seen as an &ldquo;arm&rdquo; of a slot machine and the revenue generated from that price is its &ldquo;reward.&rdquo; Another way to see this is that the objective of dynamic pricing is to swiftly and accurately measure how a customer base&rsquo;s demand reacts to varying price points. In simpler terms, the aim is to pinpoint the demand curve that best mirrors customer behavior.</p> <p><a href="https://towardsdatascience.com/dynamic-pricing-with-multi-armed-bandit-learning-by-doing-3e4550ed02ac"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>