The Illusion of Truth During LGBT+ History Month

<p>Okay, thanks everyone. Have a great weekend! Watch out for the rain storms Saturday. Bye&hellip;&rdquo;</p> <p>I smiled into the camera while I awkwardly clicked the red &ldquo;Leave&rdquo; button on my desktop app to end the video call. After a short breath, I switched to a Word document to finish up some work on a summary article about the political landscape leading up to the recent passage of a troubling new law in Uganda. My brows furrowed and my chest tightened.</p> <p>The end of the work day was drawing to a close and the office was empty around me. Seconds into my review, a notification popped up in the bottom right hand of my screen. A colleague had shared a new post on our Pride employee resource group to honor LGBT+ History Month in the UK! Thankful for the distraction I took the bait and clicked through to the article on our Intranet.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: During LGBT