5 Anti-Racist Actions for White People to Take During COVID — 19

<p>We should never forget: people in power are able to maintain the status quo when they keep white people and communities separated from multi racial movements for justice. They count on us to remain silent, or even in active opposition, to movements that are actually in our mutual interest like health care, homes for all, and decarceration.</p> <p>These times are no different &mdash; and now more than ever, it&rsquo;s critical that those of us who are white move into action.&nbsp;<strong>A clear set of solutions have been put forward from movement organizations in response to Covid-19 that will save lives and provide economic stability immediately. These solutions will also help restructure our society and economy for the long haul, to be more just for all of us.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://surj-action.medium.com/5-anti-racist-actions-for-white-people-to-take-during-covid-19-1439e92696b3"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: During COVID