Echoes of Durga Puja

<p>In the land where I was born, lived our masters a long ago. Not only were they strong, but also they believed we&rsquo;d never change. This isn&rsquo;t meant to diss the British. They built the streets and the bridge. And they built what we now call this city, the city of joy. Walking down the road, I feel that everything I see still relates; yesterday&rsquo;s gone, but it would never leave. Our times are new, yet nothing&rsquo;s new.</p> <p>But, although there is confusion, there is peace. There is a child-like joy in seeing people get ready for&nbsp;<em>Pujo</em>; the guard of police always protecting, and never reflecting an inch of doubt on their dirt-free uniform. Among my fellow devotees, I&rsquo;m sure, I am not the only one intoxicated. But who else gets drunk with&nbsp;<em>Bhaang&nbsp;</em>just to witness the hubbub on the streets? Who else sees everything, but still cannot read?</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Durga Pujas