We live to compete. What I learned by winning the Duolingo diamond league

<p>It&rsquo;s Sunday night, and until midnight I can&rsquo;t go to sleep. My opponent, an account called Roman with a status of a French flag, is only 100 XPs (experience points) behind me and he&rsquo;s not stopping. My advantage was unwavering until Roman came online, I&rsquo;ve built it up steadily in the last couple of days.&nbsp;<strong>Now</strong>&nbsp;<strong>we&rsquo;re frantically competing, which in Latin means striving or seeking together. There&rsquo;s no time to think about what it is we are seeking.</strong></p> <p>Spoilers: what I learned by winning the Duolingo diamond league wasn&rsquo;t Spanish. It was more of a life lesson than a language one. It prompted me to explore why we humans are compelled to compete and what is the worth of winning, with the help of the usual suspects: ancient Greeks and Nietzsche.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@k.kozmana/doomed-to-compete-what-i-learned-by-winning-duolingos-diamond-league-76709bc85515"><strong>click Here</strong></a></p>