“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”: Unveiling Hidden Gems through Dumpster Diving

<p>At that time in my life I was at the mercy of my mother who was chronically homeless. She ended up placing me and my younger brother in CAS care (CAS stands for Children&rsquo;s Aid Society, its like Canada&rsquo;s version of CPS) when she got evicted (we were on the street) from our apartment in Toronto. My mom was never a dumpster diver herself, she claims &ldquo;its my daughter&rsquo;s crazy free spirit that gives her these ideas&rdquo;.</p> <p>I quit for a brief time in my late teens/early 20s when I went to Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario. I started back up again once I got my license and a car in my 3rd year of university. My most horrifying memory of dumpster diving during this period was finding live animals in the PJ&rsquo;s Pets dumpster. More specifically I was finding live beardies (Bearded Dragons) in their dumpsters. This was back in 2007-ish so unfortunately I do not have any photos/videos. PJ&rsquo;s Pets no longer exists (they went out of business).</p> <p><a href="https://juliapak-633.medium.com/one-mans-trash-is-another-man-s-treasure-unveiling-hidden-gems-through-dumpster-diving-c6a576b01d19"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>