Is Simple Dumbing Down? The Science That’ll Change How You Write

<p>I&rsquo;ve been getting the same criticism for 20 years.</p> <p>It happened again last week. I was writing about the importance of keeping communication simple. Using simple phrases and short sentences. When I received this strong objection:</p> <p><em>You&rsquo;ll end up with uneducated and lazy readers&hellip;writing about serious ideas can&rsquo;t be written like a first grader.</em></p> <p>It sounds plausible doesn&rsquo;t it? If you are writing heavy content it&rsquo;s hard to see how it can be boiled down to easy-to-read, simplistic phrases. Readers need to work hard if they are serious about learning. Won&rsquo;t I be seen as an intellectual lightweight if my sentences are short? No writer wants to dumb down their content.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dumbing down