Ugly Duckling Syndrome

<p><strong>Disclaimer</strong>: I am&nbsp;<strong>not</strong>&nbsp;fishing for compliments. I was genuinely a REALLY ugly child, and the only reason I have a semblance of a personality is because I had to rely on that, not my looks, to get me through. I had a realisation lately that the reason my dating life has sucked is because of the insecurities I carry from growing up ugly.</p> <p>&lsquo;Ugly Duckling Syndrome&rsquo; is a thing where people who grew up &lsquo;ugly&rsquo; but became conventionally attractive later in life struggle to navigate opposite-sex relationships and life in general. They have internalised the feeling of growing up ugly, which has changed how they view themselves and life.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>