The history of Dublin Airport

<p>By the mid 1930&rsquo;s almost all of Europe&rsquo;s main capital cities were served with an extensive network of airlines, but one notably omission from the list was Dublin, Capital City of the Republic of Ireland.</p> <p>Aviation was somewhat slow to establish itself on the emerald isle but, finally, as late as 1936, the Irish saw the need to build a commercial airport near to Dublin. After a brief search of suitably large areas of open land within easy reach of the city centre, a parcel of land near Collingstown was selected for development. The site was chosen for a number of reasons, primarily amongst these being that Collingstown was a previous Royal Flying Corps base, it was flat and located within ten miles of Dublin. Furthermore, year round weather conditions were satisfactory in a country renowned for rain</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
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