Race Day! Dublin 2016

<p>Yesterday I ran the 2016 SSE Airtricity Dublin Marathon, along with thousands of others. It was my third marathon and I had high hopes for a new personal best (PB) after a summer of successful &mdash; by which I mostly mean injury-free &mdash; training. The weather gods were kind to us for once, conjuring up a very special late-October day: bright and sunny, without rain or wind, and even warm at times.</p> <p>If you have been&nbsp;<a href="http://www.medium.com/running-with-data" rel="noopener">reading these posts</a>&nbsp;then it probably won&rsquo;t surprise you to hear that one of my first priorities after finishing the race was to download the new race data and get going with an analysis. And so what follows is a deep-dive into this year&rsquo;s data.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/running-with-data/race-day-dublin-2016-5020229bc138"><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Dublin 2016