Dual Consciousness and the Split-brain

<h2>Introduction</h2> <p>Last post reasoned using the the almost-whimsical&nbsp;<em>teletransportation&nbsp;</em>thought experiment. Here, we will reify that rarefied philosophy with the real &mdash; yet oh so strange &mdash; corpus callosotomy surgery, and in doing so, plumb deeper into the philosophy of mind and metaphysics of identity.</p> <h2>Problem</h2> <p>Patient P suffers from epilepsy, intense seizures.[2] His doctor exercised every tool in her conventional armamentarium to no avail: the ketogenic diet didn&rsquo;t stop the seizures; the nerve sedatives reduced the intensity but not enough; the vagus nerve stimulation worked at first, but its effects leveled off. But then, she cogitated, there is that highly nonstandard procedure so voluminously described in the neuropsych textbooks&hellip;</p> <p><a href="https://adam-mehdi.medium.com/dual-consciousness-and-the-split-brain-6558751edfb3"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>