Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and Artificial Intelligence: The Expanding Impact of ML in Drug Manufacturing

<p><strong>Process Analytical Technology (PAT)</strong>&nbsp;is an analytical technique that measures critical quality and performance indicators in raw materials, in-process materials, and processes during manufacturing. PAT solutions are now embracing improvements with recent advancements in artificial intelligence.</p> <p>Process analytical technology has been around for decades, but the recent advancements in artificial intelligence have helped make it more potent than ever before. Process data generated from PAT solutions can now be analyzed by custom machine learning algorithms that use deep learning to predict what will happen next. These technologies help quality by design initiatives by continuously monitoring key performance indicators during production. Machine learning algorithms can learn from experience and form patterns based on what they&rsquo;ve seen before, making them better at predicting manufacturing outcomes.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>