This drug eases one’s pain, but it also takes lives, if exceeds its limits.

<p>Opioids are the class of drugs that is widely prescribed for pain throughout the world. Life without opioids is unimaginable in many patient&rsquo;s life. It is one of the mandatory drugs for most of the in-patient treatments.</p> <p>Opioids are extracted from Poppy seeds. Chinese were smoking opioids when smoking Tobacco was banned in China in Mid 17th century. It&rsquo;s use led to dependency among chinese. The discovery of it for the medicinal purposes began in 1850&rsquo;s . The active ingredient morphine was extracted from it and was found that it can be used as a best medication for relieving pain during surgeries and in major wounds and its use still continues.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Drug eases