The Economics of Drug Discovery and Development are Not What You Think

<p>Simply stated, without a dramatic increase in R&amp;D productivity, today&rsquo;s pharmaceutical industry cannot sustain sufficient innovation to replace the loss of revenue due to patent expirations for successful products (Nature Reviews, March 2010). In addressing this crisis, next-generation approaches to clinical development have received disproportionate attention within industry, academia and regulatory agencies (1). At Evince, we are committed to substantially reducing the cost by increasing productivity in&nbsp;<strong>drug discovery&nbsp;</strong>via an artificial intelligence based&nbsp;<em>in silico</em>&nbsp;platform. A careful analysis reveals that the capitalized cost of discovery and preclinical development is 46% of total R&amp;D costs, compared with 54% for clinical development (Nature Reviews, March 2010). It is counterintuitive that the cost of discovery and preclinical development should be such a large percentage of the total cost.&nbsp;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Drug Discovery