When You Know It’s Time To Stop Talking to Random Drug Addicts on the Street

<p>I have a habit of meeting random strangers.</p> <p>From the moment I learned to talk, I chatted it up with everyone I met. My dad said I&rsquo;d make new friends every time we went grocery shopping. I&rsquo;ve maintained that reputation as an adult, to my kids&rsquo; embarrassment. Not only do I meet people everywhere I go, I have a knack for finding the folks who need support.</p> <p><strong>I used to want to help people in need, but now, everything has changed.</strong><br /> I settled my kids to bed around 9 PM last Thursday. We heard an unexpected knock at our front door. I instinctively peeked out their vertical blinds to see who would be coming around at this hour. I didn&rsquo;t recognize the man at our door. Even though I didn&rsquo;t want to, I felt compelled to answer.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-memoirist/when-you-know-its-time-to-stop-talking-to-random-drug-addicts-on-the-street-03a2ac5a7905"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Drug Addicts