One Drug Does Not Fit All

<p>Let me tell you a story. Meet Eve. Eve just gave birth to this beautiful baby boy and she&rsquo;s now a mother (congratulations!! ). After delivering the baby Eve was&nbsp;<strong>experiencing a lot of pain</strong>&nbsp;that was unbearable.</p> <p>She tells the doctor and she<strong>&nbsp;prescribes her some Codeine</strong>, a painkiller to ease the pain. The next few days Eve felt better, she wasn&rsquo;t in pain but she did feel drowsy and tired. It wasn&rsquo;t a big deal so she shrugged it off.</p> <p>Then, she noticed that her&nbsp;<strong>child wasn&rsquo;t eating well</strong>. Worried, she goes to the doctor. The doctor tells her, &ldquo;Everything is alright&rdquo; and suggested she freeze the milk<strong>&nbsp;</strong>in advance as it&rsquo;s more convenient.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Drug