How we can estimate π… by dropping needles onto a piece of paper?

<p>Suppose we have a lined piece of paper, with lines being d mm from each other. Suppose we also have a needle of length t mm. Given that the needle is shorter than the line spacing, what is the probability that a needle lands on a line when dropped randomly?</p> <p>The answer may come as a surprise, but the probability is actually 2t/(d&pi;)<br /> Now where does this come from? And how exactly can we use this method of throwing needles onto a piece of paper to estimate &pi;?</p> <p>First, we start off with showing how this probability is obtained. If this is not something the reader is interested in, they may skip ahead to the method of estimating &pi;.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>