DRI#3 Thoughts about Software Engineer Career Path

<p>Today is September 4, 2023. Today&rsquo;s &ldquo;Daily Reading &amp; Insight&rdquo; I would like to share about our career path as a Software Engineer.</p> <p>As a software engineer, to most of our employers, that our job is to connecting all piece of data input scattered in every places, build some logic of business which process the data and make all different kinds of digital systems which output all kinds of data in many different format and media. So mostly, our job description no matter for a junior or senior developer is almost identical. In theory and many times in some JD of developer role, the senior role is only different by several more years of experience as one of the requirement.</p> <p>Is that true? Does our career maturity mainly affected time of experience. What should us developers prepare ourselves besides accumulate our experience in our current role.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/u/39d052d121d0?source=post_page-----a757d35c0822--------------------------------" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Igor Asamadzinau</a></p> <p>&nbsp;did some research by looking at some job advert for Senior Java developer position from year to year in writing his article&nbsp;<a href="https://medium.com/@asom_igor/how-to-advance-as-software-engineer-how-to-be-a-more-senior-software-engineer-6261d7fb193" rel="noopener">How to advance as Software Engineer.How to be a more Senior Software Engineer</a>&nbsp;, he found that beside there are a bunch of new names of technologies which changes, all the senior role will require communication skills.</p> <p>I think this totally makes sense. Just as in the beginning of my article I had expressed, the role of software engineers is very much like translators. As most business owners don&rsquo;t speak the language that machine understand. Good developers tend to listen more carefully from the user, understand the problem they are about to solve, then apply some technologies and platforms to come up with a solution. So here communication skill is core.</p> <p>However, a good listener won&rsquo;t guarantee you will be a good communicator. A good communicator need to ask good questions to understand the real needs from our users. So Asking questions is also important.</p> <p><a href="https://ittend.medium.com/dri-3-thoughts-about-software-engineer-career-path-a757d35c0822">Read More</a></p>