Dreams and Windows: Contemplating Character at the William King Museum of Art

<p>Almost 30 years ago, I had a dream which I still remember vividly. In the dream, I had a jovial conversation with a man who was seated, decked out in mid-century evening dress, and full of laughter. And when I woke, I knew exactly where I had encountered this man: in a portrait. Either that same day, or perhaps a few days before, I had visited a major exhibit of the works of artist James Gunn in the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh; and though I didn&rsquo;t know who the sitter was (Sir William Darling, as it happens), this painting made such an impression that he came to life for me in the dream. I felt that I knew his demeanor, how he sounded, even how he moved.</p> <p><a href="https://martindotterweich.medium.com/dreams-and-windows-contemplating-character-at-the-william-king-museum-of-art-fcef3ab1d9fd"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>