What Everyone Gets Wrong Drawing Hands — Critiques

<p>Going through all your hand assignments, I noticed most of them have one main issue. They lack structure. Constructing the hand from basic forms and following the primary &mdash; secondary &mdash; tertiary hierarchy resolves many other issues. It helps to draw the hand accurately from imagination, attach the fingers correctly to the palm, keep things in perspective, and even helps to shade. I&rsquo;ll also show you how a focus on structure doesn&rsquo;t mean you have to sacrifice gesture.<br /> <br /> If these problems are still affecting you, I recommend checking out my previous lessons on drawing the hand below.<br /> <br /> <a href="https://medium.com/@tiptuber/what-everyone-gets-wrong-drawing-hands-critiques-9fbacab9ed6e"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: drawing Hands