How to Draw Someone’s Portrait Without Making Them Look Hideous

<p>Back in the olden days, if you wanted to have an image of yourself created, you had to either look in a mirror and draw or paint yourself, or have someone else do it for you. The latter was the preferred method, especially if it was done by someone who actually knew what they were doing and who didn&rsquo;t dislike you.</p> <p>Having a portrait professionally painted was an agonizing exercise in sitting still for hours or even days. Just imagine having to hold a pose for several days while the artist did things such as eating and drinking and getting a good night&rsquo;s sleep.</p> <p>Eventually, photography was invented, making portraits more accurate. It also made sitting for portraits a much less arduous process, aside from the neck clamp, the sitting without moving a whisker for several minutes, and the inability to blink without looking like a spooky freak in the picture.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Look Hideous