C++ code to draw an India map (and maybe other countries too)
<p>Hey reader, hope you are doing good despite the pandemic giving us the “sit idle at home and regret your life decisions” thoughts.</p>
<p>Today’s post would be small but quite interesting. I hope you are excited, so let’s get started!</p>
<p><strong>Prerequisites</strong>: Copy-paste feature on your device OR you can also write the whole code again :p</p>
<p><strong>NOTE: I do not own this code, just found it on the internet and thought of sharing it.</strong></p>
<p>Try running the code, it looks beautiful!</p>
<p>The following code when executed generates the map of India:</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/geekculture/c-code-to-draw-an-india-map-and-maybe-other-countries-too-9b0236f76d40"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>