How to Draw a Bicycle.

<p>For an object that is relatively ubiquitous, and whose design hasn&rsquo;t changed much in the last 100 years, the simple, humble bicycle somehow still manages to baffle even the most artistic, spatially-aware people.</p> <p>Of course, this was just my opinion (and most likely a projection of my frustration at my inability to draw one) and so I put it out to Twitter&hellip;</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="297" scrolling="no" src=";key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&amp;schema=twitter&amp;url=https%3A//;image=https%3A//" title="Chaz Hutton on Twitter" width="680"></iframe></p> <p>Knowing how hard is seems to be, I thought I&rsquo;d give people a few chances at perfecting their drawings.</p> <p>What I wasn&rsquo;t expecting, was that people would get<em>&nbsp;worse</em>&nbsp;the more they drew.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Draw Bicycle